Data Analytics and Resources Bureau
Community Snapshot
Data current as of 02/11/2025
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Select Municipality:          

Town of  Abington
Plymouth  County

 Billing Cycle Quarterly
 Form of Government Open Town Meeting
 School Structure K-12
 Population16,970 2023 
 Population Density1,759 2023 
 Land Area9.65 2009 
 Total Road Miles67.4 2018 
DOR Income Per Capita44,933 2022 
State Average Income Per Capita57,679 2022 
EQV Per Capita193,195 2024 
State Average EQV Per Capita279,838 2024 

Tax Rate Data

Assessed Value by Class
ResidentialOpen SpaceCommercialIndustrialPersonal PropertyTotal Assessed ValueR/O as a % of TotalCIP as a % of Total
2,965,941,808 0 230,494,492 27,876,200 60,998,000 3,285,310,500 90.28% 9.72% 
Tax Rates by Class
ResidentialOpen SpaceCommercialIndustrialPersonal Property
13.06 0.00 13.06 13.06 13.06 
Tax Levies by Class
ResidentialOpen SpaceCommercialIndustrialPersonal PropertyTotal Tax LevyR/O Levy as a % of TotalCIP Levy as a % of Total
38,735,200 0 3,010,258 364,063 796,634 42,906,155 90.28% 9.72% 
Average Single Family Tax Bill
Total Single Family ValueSingle Family Parcel CountAverage Single Family ValueResidential Tax RateAverage Single Family Tax BillAverage State SFTB
2,212,974,300 3,847 575,247 13.06 7,513 7,703 
Commercial, Industrial & Personal Property (CIP) Shift
CIP ValueTotal ValueLowest Residential Factor AllowedMax CIP ShiftResidential Factor SelectedCIP Shift
319,368,692 3,285,310,500 0.94616 1.50 1.00 1.00 
Proposition 2½ Levy Capacity
New Growth Applied to Levy LimitOverrideDebt Excluded on the DE-1Maximum Levy LimitExcess Levy CapacityExcess Levy Capacity as % of Max LevyLevy CeilingOverride CapacityOverride Capacity as % of Levy Ceiling
185,450 0 3,395,225 42,926,193 20,038 0.05% 82,132,763 42,601,795 51.87% 

Outstanding Receivables

Outstanding Receivables
Outstanding Receivables R/E 2024Outstanding Receivables R/E 2023Outstanding Receivables R/E 2022Outstanding Receivables R/E 2021All Other Outstanding Receivables R/EDeferred Property TaxesTaxes in LitigationTax Liens/ Tax TitleTax Foreclosures/ Possessions
375,171 115,479 105,724 16,609 19,599 5,427 0 1,145,919 0 


Revenues by Source
Tax LevyState AidLocal ReceiptsEnterprise FundsCPAAll OtherTotal Budget
42,906,155 17,614,336 5,692,102 9,085,984 1,084,356 2,332,700 78,715,634 
Revenues as a Percent of Total Budget
Tax LevyState AidLocal ReceiptsEnterprise FundsCPAAll Other
54.51% 22.38% 7.23% 11.54% 1.38% 2.96% 
Revenues Per Capita
Tax LevyState AidLocal ReceiptsEnterprise FundsCPAAll Other
2,528 1,038 335 535 64 137 


General Fund Spending By Function
General GovernmentPoliceFireOther Public SafetyEducationPublic WorksHuman ServicesCulture and RecreationFixed CostsInter-GovernmentOther ExpensesDebt ServiceTotal Expenditure
2,719,438 4,489,687 4,230,218 375,118 31,187,061 3,383,606 638,865 898,835 11,424,438 1,420,301 31,594 4,433,937 65,233,098 
General Fund Spending as % of Total
General GovernmentPoliceFireOther Public SafetyEducationPublic WorksHuman ServicesCulture and RecreationFixed CostsInter-GovernmentOther ExpensesDebt Service
4.17% 6.88% 6.48% 0.58% 47.81% 5.19% 0.98% 1.38% 17.51% 2.18% 0.05% 6.80% 
General Fund Spending Per Capita
General GovernmentPoliceFireOther Public SafetyEducationPublic WorksHuman ServicesCulture and RecreationFixed CostsInter-GovernmentOther ExpensesDebt Service
160 265 249 22 1,838 199 38 53 673 84 2 261 

Other Financial Indicators

Reserve Funds
Free Cash Amount as of 7/1/2024FY2024 Stabilization FundFY2024 Special Purpose Stabilization Fund
 3,495,609 0 
FY2024 GF Debt ServiceFY2024 Outsanding DebtFY2024 GF Debt Service as % of Budget
4,433,937 45,697,281 6.95% 
Bond Ratings
Moodys Bond RatingStandard & Poors Bond Rating